Friday 3 April 2015


My extremely sensitive nature was abused. When she wanted soothing, I was the go to guy. When that sensitivity was directed elsewhere or toward myself, in opposition of her or her ideas, she would smash down on that with enthusiastic and caustic accusations of selfishness and sneering superiority. 


Thursday 2 April 2015

2015 UK Election

100 years worth of social progress is at risk. NHS, the welfare state, public services, emergency services etc. Look at what they've done over the past five years. Look at how the banks have gotten away with it all. Look at their attitude towards banker's bonuses. Their attitude towards corporation tax avoidance. That's where all the money's gone. They've taken our money (by avoiding tax) and put it in their own pockets. That money should be for the benefit of society. Public services. Public improvements. We are being shafted. Since 1986, Rupert Murdoch has paid an average of 7% tax on his profit. Since 1986. If the Tories get 5 more years, we're fucked.