Tuesday 5 February 2013

Monday 4 February 2013

Today has been a good day.....

Nice trip over town with the family. Nice lunch.

Excellent band practice this evening.

Just need Jen to start feeling better and things will be looking up.

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Sunday 3 February 2013


Today's been tough. Mentally I'm not 'there' and there's a lot of things I feel I'm struggling with.

This band thing is starting to really get me down. I used to love playing but its slowly being sucked out of me by the 'turn down' man. Jennie and Dad are coming along on Friday to tell me whether I am actually too loud. My thoughts are that I'm OK and that Mr Turn-Down just doesn't like a bit of stage volume..... Anyway, having trusted people in the place where they need to be to judge volume (the middle of the crowd, not the front row) will be a big help and make me feel comfortable again. I just want to enjoy playing. :(

I'm not looking forward to doing the Center Parcs email tomorrow. There was a time when I'd fly into it like a dog chasing a car but my energy levels are so low and the depression is gripping..... I just want to hide away....

Saturday 2 February 2013


To top it all off, in the stress and upheaval of the past 5 days, I've not been taking my pill.


".....White Noise and Missed Notes....."

That was how my playing was described by the 'band leader' tonight after Pride & Joy.

In constantly being told to turn down and I'm beginning to get really hacked off about it. It not like the punters are saying it, its him alone. I have no freedom of expression and I'm getting close to calling it a day.

Ps. It was in no way THAT bad a rendition. He was just trying to get me to turn down.

He succeeded. We were sounding good, driving along. I turned down and there you go, the guts, heart and soul of the band are gone. What a night.

After this week, I could really have done with a good gig. Instead, I feel demoralised, upset and frustrated.

A great end to an awful week.



Am I feeling angry tonight.....

First, I'm glad Zachie's hand is a lot better. The little lad has been so brave. He's home for an hour and his nan let's him climb on the sofa and promptly fall off of it onto his head. :(


Everyone's response to poor Zachie's injury is, "Sue, sue, you have to sue." I absolutely hate the 'compensation culture' that's so evident in this country now. Hate it with a vengeance. "Oh, I was on a bus and it went into the back of a car and oh, how my neck hurts, I'll have to contact "InjuryArseholes.com" for my lovely compensation......." Bunch of frickin' maggot grab-asses.

The wife and I are pretty much in the same page, I think. We really want to give Center Parcs the opportunity to make amends, particularly to the kids, for their completely ruined holiday. Nothing will 'compensate' for the pain caused to Zach but a gesture of good will from the company, will go a long way to showing how sorry they are that my boy had to suffer like he did.

Anyway, letter to Head Office on Monday.