Monday 28 January 2013

Center Parcs: Dangerous Radiators


Day one, hour one, minute twenty (approx)........

Zachary, my beautiful, happy, smiley bundle of fun, has burnt his little hand on the radiator. And I mean 'burnt.' I'm sure if we look closely, his skin will be stuck to the feed pipe somewhere.

The thermostat was set at 25 degrees and the radiator and pipes were absolutely boiling hot to the touch.

To say that I'm fuming, is an understatement. I'm not going to make a fuss while we're here as I want the kids and everyone else to enjoy the rest of the holiday. I don't want them to potentially see me lose my rag because let me tell you, if I approached them to complain, and I get the standard 'British' response..... I'll flip my freakin' lid, right there, right then.

I'll take it up in writing to Head Office when we return. Its all logged here, as we had two of the on site nurses come and wrap his little hand up. We'll see what happens.

On a different note, the mattresses here are lovely. :)

Sunday 27 January 2013

Edward Heath

Prime Minister (Tory but we wont hold that against him. :)

According to Icke, he was a "Paedophile child murderer." He claims that Savile used to provide children for him and that Heath used to take boys out on his yacht, molest them and throw them overboard.


Serious, serious allegations and most importantly, ones made while Heath was still alive.

No legal case was brought against Icke or the others who've claimed these things happened. Heath was made aware of the allegations and did nothing.


Center Parcs, Longleat

We're off tomorrow.


The kids are really looking forward to it and so am I! My amazing wife has worked so hard, through a nasty virus, to get us all packed and ready to roll. Thank you love, you really are an amazing wife and mum. x

Sharks and Dolphins is the game of choice for Joshie as soon as we hit the pool. I can't wait to take him outside at night, hopefully we'll have clear skies, the stars are beautiful out there, minimal light pollution.


David Icke

Where to begin....

Was trolling around his website and some of the claims he makes about certain people are incredible.

Edward Heath was a 'paedophile child murderer......."

The Queen is a 'Shape-shifting' reptilian?....????

His detailed account of the actions and life of Jimmy Savile was fascinating and horrendous at the same time.  David's explanation of how Savile came to be linked to so many, extremely high profile people, in my opinion, is entirely plausible.

How frightening's that?

Check out

I find it scary that the possibility of some, part or all of this is true.

What a world we live in.

However......... The Reptilian thing........ Sorry man, not feeling that at all.

This is not a drill.....

Testing. Testing. Testing......


Build Your Own Effects Pedals.

I bought the kits from Poodle's Pedal Emporium in the UK.  Great service!

Here's some more pictures.

The top image is a Deep Blue Delay clone (Mad Professor), an awesome sounding delay.  I'm waiting for the Letraset to finish the enclosure, I want to lacquer over the top of the paint and Letraset for durability.

The bottom three images are a Phase 45 with Univibe mod.  I'll Letraset the enclosure as well but as I've already lacquered and polished the pedal, we'll have to see how the letters sit on top....... :/

The builds are really simple, like doing a jigsaw really.  The only difficult part for me on the first build, was the switch and jack wiring.  A careful internet search of multiple sources soon cleared any hesitancy.

For £120, I've built nearly £600 worth of boutique pedalry........


Check the kits out, they really are superb

Letraset Lettering

Just ordered some 3mm white Letraset.  It's rub on, so we'll see how it performs.

Hopefully, it'll be perfect for effects pedal labelling.


If it's anything but, I'm sure I'll rant about it on here.


Saturday 26 January 2013

Guitar Effects Pedal Building

A new hobby???


Another hobby???  Now you're talking.

Germanium Fuzz Face.

I've completed a Phase 45 with Univibe mod as well but I haven't uploaded the pictures yet.  
Also, nearly finished a clone of the Mad Professor 'Deep Blue Delay.'  I'm just finishing the enclosure.  Pics to come.  :)

Living with ME

The guilt. The feeling of inadequacy. The feeling that you miss out on all the good bits that life has to offer.....

Welcome to my daily life.

If it weren't for the wonderful family around me and the love and happiness they bring, life would be very difficult.

Be happy and content with what you CAN accomplish.  Don't be depressed over what you have no control over.

OK, I can't take my boys to the park everyday but I can lie in bed and watch trains on my BlackBerry with my oldest boy, his thoughtful nature and near-encyclopedic knowledge of Joshie when it comes to steam engines makes me smile.  I can play in the hallway for short periods with my youngest, listening to him laugh and run up and down, makes my day.

Focus on the amazing things that happen EVERY day.  :)