Saturday 26 January 2013

Living with ME

The guilt. The feeling of inadequacy. The feeling that you miss out on all the good bits that life has to offer.....

Welcome to my daily life.

If it weren't for the wonderful family around me and the love and happiness they bring, life would be very difficult.

Be happy and content with what you CAN accomplish.  Don't be depressed over what you have no control over.

OK, I can't take my boys to the park everyday but I can lie in bed and watch trains on my BlackBerry with my oldest boy, his thoughtful nature and near-encyclopedic knowledge of Joshie when it comes to steam engines makes me smile.  I can play in the hallway for short periods with my youngest, listening to him laugh and run up and down, makes my day.

Focus on the amazing things that happen EVERY day.  :)

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