Monday 28 January 2013

Center Parcs: Dangerous Radiators


Day one, hour one, minute twenty (approx)........

Zachary, my beautiful, happy, smiley bundle of fun, has burnt his little hand on the radiator. And I mean 'burnt.' I'm sure if we look closely, his skin will be stuck to the feed pipe somewhere.

The thermostat was set at 25 degrees and the radiator and pipes were absolutely boiling hot to the touch.

To say that I'm fuming, is an understatement. I'm not going to make a fuss while we're here as I want the kids and everyone else to enjoy the rest of the holiday. I don't want them to potentially see me lose my rag because let me tell you, if I approached them to complain, and I get the standard 'British' response..... I'll flip my freakin' lid, right there, right then.

I'll take it up in writing to Head Office when we return. Its all logged here, as we had two of the on site nurses come and wrap his little hand up. We'll see what happens.

On a different note, the mattresses here are lovely. :)

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